DIY Playdough: Because Apparently I’ve Run Out of Adult Things to Do

Let’s be honest – there comes a point in every parent’s life when they find themselves googling homemade playdough recipes at 11 PM. Not because they particularly want to, but because tomorrow’s playdate requires some sort of entertainment that doesn’t involve screens or sugar.

Here’s the thing about making playdough: it’s essentially cooking, but with zero chance of anyone complimenting your culinary skills.

You’ll need the following ingredients;

  • 125g flour
  • 70g salt
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • Food colouring
  • 60ml water (add more if needed).

The process is deceptively simple. Start by heating water, oil, and lemon juice in a pot over medium heat. Add your food colouring of choice. Meanwhile, combine your flour and salt in a bowl.

Once your liquid is hot, gradually add your dry ingredients while stirring. This is where things get interesting. You’ll develop a new appreciation for the word “consistency” as you watch this concoction transform from “definitely not right” to “maybe this will work” to “oh, actual playdough” in the span of about five minutes.

Keep stirring until it forms a ball and stops trying to become one with your cooking spoon. If it’s still sticky, do a quick flip-and-press manoeuvre against the bottom of the pan. Think of it as hot yoga for dough.

Let it cool on wax paper, then knead it briefly. Congratulations – you’ve just created something that will entertain a child for approximately as long as it took to make it. Store it in an airtight container, where it will remain fresh until exactly two days after you forget about it.

The best part? When your kids ask where playdough comes from, you can now give them a terrifyingly detailed answer about flour-to-salt ratios and the importance of proper stirring techniques. Because nothing says “I’ve got my life together” quite like having strong opinions about homemade playdough consistency.

Welcome to peak parenthood. May your food colouring stains be minimal and your cleanup time reasonable.

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